5 Contoh Personal Letter untuk Guru Bahasa Inggris, Buat Guru Kamu Bangga!

    Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas contoh personal letter untuk guru bahasa inggris yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih, penghargaan, atau perasaan pribadimu kepada guru. Siap-siaplah untuk menginspirasi guru kamu dengan kata-kata indah!

    Berikut contoh personal letter untuk guru bahasa Inggris dan buat guru kamu bangga. Simak contoh surat personal letter untuk guru ini sekarang!
    5 Contoh Personal Letter untuk Guru Bahasa Inggris, Buat Guru Kamu Bangga! | Sumber Gambar: Freepik

    Contoh Personal Letter untuk Guru

    Surat personal letter untuk guru adalah surat yang dikirimkan karena alasan pribadi dan biasanya tidak bersifat formal.

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    Personal letter buat guru dapat menyampaikan berbagai pesan, seperti:

    1. Menceritakan sebuah narasi atau bagikan pengalaman pribadi.
    2. Mengucapkan selamat kepada orang-orang atas keberhasilan mereka
    3. Ucapkan terima kasih kepada penerima surat.
    4. Sampaikan belasungkawa Anda
    5. Menunjukan kasih sayang

    Berikut beberapa contoh surat personal letter untuk guru:

    Baca Juga: 16 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris, Auto Dilirik HRD

    1. Contoh Personal Letter untuk Guru Bahasa Inggris

    21 October 2023


    Cempaka street, No. 21, Riau


    Dear Mrs. Jesica,

    I'm writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for these incredible three years of senior high school. I understand you're such a sweet teacher who always goes above and beyond to help us, your students, be better individuals both inside and outside of the classroom.


    I recall vividly being a difficult student who knew absolutely nothing about English in my first year of senior high school. But you never got weary of encouraging me since you knew how much I enjoyed being in your class.


    You urged me to join the English club at school so that I could study more. You inspired me and my classmates to never stop learning new things. Do you recall the day you invited me to an English writing competition?


    Actually, you are the first teacher who has allowed me to participate in an English competition. I was so excited that I studied and practiced every day. Despite the fact that I did not win first place, my confidence skyrocketed.


    Thanks a lot Mrs. Jesica. I will never be able to repay your kindness, no matter how hard I try. I will always remember you as one of my favorite teacher. I hope you will remember me as well, till we meet again.


    Sincerely yours,

    Your Name

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    5 Contoh Personal Letter untuk Guru Bahasa Inggris, Buat Guru Kamu Bangga!

    2. Contoh Personal Letter untuk Guru Singkat

    Dear Mrs. Alice,


    My name is {Your Name}, and I was your student two years ago at {Your School}. Mrs. Alice, I hope you remember me. How are you doing, by the way? I hope you stay in excellent health, especially in this situation.


    I've been studying in England for a year now, and I still think about you from time to time. Because of your strict instruction, I was able to graduate from high school and enroll in my current university. Honestly, I despised you at times because it was exhausting to follow your instructions. But now I know that was the best thing for us, and you did it.


    Now that I'm a university student, I have to study on my own and manage my time carefully. It was difficult at first, and I often miss high school. I realized how much you helped us manage our studies back then. Mrs. Alice, thank you one more.


    That's all I've got for now, Mrs. Alice. I'll send you another letter next time, and please respond if you have time. I hope to see you when I return to Indonesia.


    Best regards,

    {Your Name}

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    5 Contoh Personal Letter untuk Guru Bahasa Inggris, Buat Guru Kamu Bangga!

    3. Contoh Personal Letter Singkat untuk Guru

    Dear Mrs. Angle


    I'd like to express my gratitude for everything you've done for me during my final year at this institution. Thank you for assisting me in understanding a variety of subjects that I previously found difficult to grasp. Mrs. Angle, you have motivated me to one day be a teacher as good as you. Please pray for me to realize my dream of becoming a teacher. I will also pray for you to continue to be a great teacher as you are today.


    Thank you very much for everything. I consider myself really fortunate to have you as a teacher. You are unrivaled. Please stay healthy and happy at all times. Mrs. Angle, I will miss you. I'm hoping we can still meet once I graduate.


    Sincerely yours,

    Your Name

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    5 Contoh Personal Letter untuk Guru Bahasa Inggris, Buat Guru Kamu Bangga!

    4. Contoh Personal Letter untuk Guru Tentang Ucapan Terima Kasih

    Dear Mrs. Silfy,


    I'm writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for all three years of my cherished senior high school experience. Actually, you're the one who has made me realize how valuable my time at this institution has been. When I initially started school, I didn't have much joy or interest, but thanks to you, I can find delight in this school.


    I recall well the day you held out your hand to teach me Economics and told me to compete. Actually, I didn't have much faith in myself. But, owing to your help, I was able to enter the tournament and finish first in the city.


    I also recall you always being on our side, your not-so-good students. You were still there for us when the other teachers ignored us and stated we were a handful. You said you understood us, and your comments were very comforting to us.


    Mrs. Silfy, thank you very much. We will never forget your generosity and great heart, no matter how hard we try, but we will always remember you. I hope you will remember us as well until we meet again.


    Sincerely yours,

    Your Name

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    5 Contoh Personal Letter untuk Guru Bahasa Inggris, Buat Guru Kamu Bangga!

    5. Contoh Personal Letter untuk Guru Tentang Belajar Online

    Dear Mr. John


    Mr. John, you are my favorite instructor out of all of them. You are incredibly sweet and tolerant with the misbehaving students. I absolutely adore you. At school, you're like my second father. You took excellent care of me, exactly as my father did.


    I'd also like to thank you for anything you've taught me through this letter. I enjoyed it when you taught us. You made the lesson appear simple to grasp. I am really pleased to have such a dedicated teacher as you. Please continue to teach as you have been, since I am confident that your students will love your lesson and understand it thoroughly.


    Mr. John, thank you very lot. I will come to see you once I have achieved success. Please wait for my visit. See you later, Sir.


    Best regards,

    Your Name

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    5 Contoh Personal Letter untuk Guru Bahasa Inggris, Buat Guru Kamu Bangga!

    Baca Juga: 16 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris, Auto Dilirik HRD

    Dengan menulis surat personal letter untuk guru, kita dapat mengekspresikan rasa terima kasih, penghargaan, dan tujuan kita dengan cara yang pribadi.

    Semoga contoh personal letter untuk guru di atas dapat menginspirasi kamu untuk menulis surat kepada guru kamu. Ingatlah, kata-kata bisa memiliki dampak besar, dan guru kamu pasti akan merasa bangga mendengarnya.
