5 Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris Fresh Graduate Untuk Melamar Kerja

    Pada era digital ini, melamar pekerjaan menjadi sebuah tantangan tersendiri bagi para fresh graduate. Cover letter atau surat lamaran kerja menjadi salah satu elemen kunci yang dapat membedakan dirimu dari pelamar lain. Dan di sini, kita akan membagikan 5 contoh cover letter bahasa Inggris fresh graduate yang baik dan benar dan sesuai untuk melamar pekerjaan. Yuk, simak!

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    1. Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris Untuk Email

    Fresh graduate sering kali melamar pekerjaan melalui email. Dalam contoh ini, kita akan membahas cara buat cover letter bahasa Inggris yang menarik dan efektif untuk email lamaran.

    Dalam email lamaran, kesan pertama sangat penting. Bagaimana menyusun kesimpulan yang dapat menarik perhatian perekrut? Simak contoh di bawah untuk mengetahui contoh cover letter email bahasa Inggris yang baik.

    To: HRD Company Name
    Subject: Cover Letter

    Dear Ms. Kathy,

    I'm Rayhan, a recent Master's degree graduate from Universitas Indonesia's Department of Business Management. I am pleased to apply for the Consultant position with your organization since I believe I am the ideal fit. I've always enjoyed connecting and speaking with others, and I'm eager to put my schooling and internship experience to use to assist your organization realize its full potential.

    I began to love your company's corporate culture three years ago and believed that it would be the finest place for me to become a problem solver and critical thinker. Furthermore, I have always wished to work in an international setting and learn from people from other backgrounds. Interviewing entrepreneurs and senior executives allows me to learn directly from society's top elites and gain first-hand knowledge of cutting-edge technology.

    During my internship as a talent expert intern at a well-known technology firm, I was in charge of recruiting talent throughout the Greater China Area through various online and offline channels. Throughout the internship, I had an excellent overall conversion rate (more than 50%) and was elevated to team leader of talent-sourcing initiatives. In addition, as an exchange student in the United States, I am fluent in both Chinese and English and excel at intercultural negotiation.

    I am confident that I will be an excellent fit for this position. I am forward to meet you in person and discuss my qualifications in depth. If you have any questions, please contact me by email or phone. As a reference, I have sent my CV. Thank you for your attention and time.


    Rayhan Salihin

    2. Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris Untuk Magang

    Bagi fresh graduate yang mencari pengalaman melalui magang, cover letter harus mampu menonjolkan keahlian dan motivasi. Bagaimana cara menyusunnya?

    Keahlian yang dimiliki fresh graduate harus tergambar jelas dalam cover letter. Simak contoh di bawah untuk memiliki gambaran surat lamaran untuk magang.

    Temukan contoh cover letter bahasa Inggris fresh graduate yang baik dan benar untuk melamar kerja. Simak sekarang dan mulai karir impian.
    Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris Fresh Graduate Untuk Melamar Kerja | cakeresume.com

    3. Contoh Application Letter Bahasa Inggris Untuk Hotel

    Melamar pekerjaan di industri perhotelan memerlukan sentuhan kreatif, namun tetap mempertahankan kesan profesional. Bagaimana cara menggabungkan keduanya?

    Berikan sentuhan kreatif dalam application letter untuk menarik perhatian dari hotel yang kamu lamar.

    Dear Mrs. Julia,

    I'm writing in response to your Linkedin job posting for an experienced Manager at Alila Hotel Bali. I have over ten years of expertise in hotel management and corporate leadership, and I believe I would bring a customer-focused perspective and a hardworking attitude to this post.

    In my previous role as Assistant Manager, I was in charge of the hotel's meals, housing, and housekeeping. Furthermore, I collaborate with the General Manager to achieve profitability, excellent customer service, and high-quality staff performance. With the new work paradigm that I suggest, I also cut expenses by 25% in three months.

    Please find my resume and references attached. Please contact me whenever it is convenient for you, and I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for your attention and time.

    Best Regards,


    4. Contoh Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris Singkat Dan Simple

    Tidak selalu panjang yang menarik. Bagaimana menyusun cover letter yang singkat namun tetap memikat? Kesederhanaan dapat menciptakan daya tarik tersendiri. Bagaimana menjadikannya kekuatan dalam cover letter?

    Jl. Mayjen Yono Suwono, Surabaya



    Linkedin: Joko Susilo

    Dear Hiring Manager,

    I'm Joko, and I graduated from Prasetiya Mulya University with a bachelor's degree in business. I'm writing to share my enthusiasm for your LinkedIn posting for a Digital Marketing Manager. I consider myself to be a highly focused and self-motivated individual, and I am pleased about the opportunity to demonstrate my technical abilities with your organization.

    I utilized your products as a student for two years. Ruang Guru, as an EdTech company, had made a beneficial difference in Indonesian education. With the advancement of the internet, more and more Indonesians may now access education anywhere and whenever they want. I believe that as Indonesians get more educated, we will be able to progress together and become a large and sophisticated country. It would be fantastic if I could learn and collaborate with Ruang Guru to achieve this goal.

    In my previous position at a digital marketing agency, I honed my skills in social media campaigning, SEO copywriting, and advertising planning. I created a campaign in 2017 that resulted in a 250.000 gain in new Instagram followers in two weeks. By the end of 2009, I had improved the website's overall keyword position from 96th to 15th by implementing new content strategies and SEO, which drew thousands of visitors and potential clients and resulted in 200,000 new registered users. I am knowledgeable on Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and WordPress.

    With my expertise and accomplishments, I am confident that I will be a good fit for this position. My CV is included, and if you have any more queries, please contact me at any time via phone or email. I look forward to chatting with you about this possibility in greater detail.

    Thank you for your attention and time.


    Joko Susilo

    5. Contoh Cover Letter Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk Fresh Graduate

    Bagaimana fresh graduate dapat membangun narasi karir melalui cover letter? Simak contoh cover letter bahasa Inggris fresh graduate ini.

    To:   hrd@company.com

    Subject: Cover Letter

    Dear Ms. Kathy,

    I'm Rayhan, a recent Master's degree graduate from Universitas Indonesia's Department of Business Management. I am pleased to apply for the Consultant position with your organization since I believe I am the ideal fit. I've always enjoyed connecting and speaking with others, and I'm eager to put my schooling and internship experience to use to assist your organization realize its full potential.

    I began to love your company's corporate culture three years ago and believed that it would be the finest place for me to become a problem solver and critical thinker. Furthermore, I have always wished to work in an international setting and learn from people from other backgrounds. Interviewing entrepreneurs and senior executives allows me to learn directly from society's top elites and gain first-hand knowledge of cutting-edge technology.

    During my internship as a talent expert intern at a well-known technology firm, I was in charge of recruiting talent throughout the Greater China Area through various online and offline channels. Throughout the internship, I had an excellent overall conversion rate (more than 50%) and was elevated to team leader of talent-sourcing initiatives. In addition, as an exchange student in the United States, I am fluent in both Chinese and English and excel at intercultural negotiation.

    I am confident that I will be an excellent fit for this position. I am forward to meet you in person and discuss my qualifications in depth. If you have any questions, please contact me by email or phone. As a reference, I have sent my CV. Thank you for your attention and time.


    Rayhan Salihin

    Baca Juga: 16 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris, Auto Dilirik HRD

    Cara Membuat Cover Letter Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Setelah kamu mengetahui contoh cover letter bahasa Inggris untuk fresh graduate, berikut ini cara membuat cover letter bahasa Inggris:

    Download CV Word

    Informasi Data Diri

    Saat menulis cover letter, pastikan untuk menyusun informasi data diri kamu dengan rapi dan jelas. Mulailah dengan menyebutkan nama lengkap, alamat, nomor telepon, dan alamat email di bagian atas surat. Hindari informasi yang berlebihan dan berfokuslah pada hal-hal yang relevan dengan pekerjaan yang kamu lamar.

    Salam Pembuka

    Salam pembukaan pada surat lamaran kamu seharusnya mencerminkan antusiasme dan ketertarikan kamu terhadap perusahaan yang di lamar. Hindari salam yang terlalu formal dan coba sampaikan kesan bahwa kamu adalah sosok yang ramah dan mudah bergaul.

    Alasan Kamu Melamar

    Pada bagian ini, gambarkan dengan jelas alasan kamu melamar pekerjaan tersebut. Jelaskan bagaimana nilai-nilai perusahaan cocok dengan visi dan nilai pribadi kamu. Hindari klise dan cobalah untuk memberikan alasan yang spesifik dan unik.

    Kualifikasi yang Kamu Miliki

    Sekarang saatnya untuk menyoroti kualifikasi dan keahlian kamu. Jelaskan dengan singkat dan jelas bagaimana pengalaman, pendidikan, dan keterampilan yang kamu miliki dapat memberikan nilai tambah bagi perusahaan.

    Salam Penutup

    Akhirilah cover letter kamu dengan salam penutup yang elegan dan optimis. Sampaikan rasa terima kasih kamu atas kesempatan ini dan ungkapkan harapan untuk dapat bertemu secara langsung dalam wawancara.

    Baca Juga: Contoh Curriculum Vitae Fresh Graduate

    Dalam menciptakan cover letter, kreativitas dan keunikan menjadi kunci. Setiap fresh graduate memiliki cerita dan keahlian yang berbeda, dan cover letter adalah wadah untuk mengungkapkannya.

    Dengan mengikuti contoh-contoh cover letter bahasa Inggris fresh graduate di atas, diharapkan dapat memberikan inspirasi dan panduan bagi para fresh graduate dalam melamar pekerjaan. Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses!
